Become a model

As the world evolves, so does the Model Industry.
PMA is open to applications without restrictions.
Please send your headshot & full body photo to
Photos should be natural, without filters or Make Up.
Your submission should include all your informations, including location / age / measurements / social media handles etc.


Ihre Daten werden ausschließlich für agenturinterne Zwecke und zur Umsetzung der angebotenen Dienstleistungen gespeichert bzw. verwendet. Sie können dies jederzeit mit einer Mail an bzw. per Telefon widerrufen. Ebenso werden die Daten nicht an unbefugte Dritte weitergegeben, außer wir sind gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet. Für ausführliche Datenschutzhinweise klicken Sie bitte auf unseren Datenschutzbutton!

Your data will be stored and used exclusively for internal agency purposes and for the implementation of the services offered. You can revoke this at any time by sending an e-mail to or by telephone. Likewise, the data will not be passed on to unauthorized third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so. For detailed data protection information, please click on our data protection button!

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* Required fields

This site uses cookies. If you do not agree to this, you are of course free to switch it off in your Internet browser. Please also read our data protection notice paragraph: "Cookies".
Diese Seite benutzt Cookies. Sollten Sie nicht damit einverstanden sein, so steht es Ihnen selbstverständlich frei, diese in Ihrem Internetbrowser abzuschalten. Lesen Sie bitte hierzu auch unseren Datenschutzhinweis Absatz: "Cookies".


Please be aware that some companies and individuals falsely claim to work for PMA Models.

If you are contacted by someone claiming to represent us,  to work for our company, or asking you to send them information and/or images, do not respond under any circumstances without first verifying their identity.

When you will be contacted by e-mail, please check in particular the exact e-mail address of the sender or reply-to address (in doubt check also e-mail header/source code view). The e-mail address must end with, otherwise it is a forgery.

If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to call us immediately at +49 40 471-000-0 or send us an e-mail to

*** OPEN-CALLS are not possible until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are happy to receive your applications via our website or send an e-mail to ***